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- Indianola:Early History | Present Prosperity | Biographical Sketch

Jc George Mccook Slot Machines
RED WILLOW County is situated in the valley of the Republican River. In extent it is twenty-four miles from north to south and thirty miles for east to west. As to boundary lines, it has Frontier County on the north, Furnas on the east, Decatur County, Kan., on the south, and Hitchcock County on the west. The county is well watered by numerous streams. The Republican River flows through the county from west to east, at a distance varying from fourteen to eighteen miles north of the Kansas line. On the north side of the Republican River, its principal tributaries are Red Willow Creek, which enters the county near the northwestern part and flows southeast, entering the Republican not far from the center of the county; Coon Creek, which empties into the Republican at Indianola, and Dry Creek, a little farther to the east. On the south side of the river are Driftwood Creek, which enters the county from Hitchcock, about six miles south from the Republican and flows northeast, emptying into the river about six miles from the western boundary; then in succession and only a few miles apart, and all flowing in the same general direction, are Ash, Buffalo, Berger, School and Silver Creeks. The only other stream of any importance is Beaver Creek, which enters the county from the southwest., and at a point about twelve miles east of the western boundary, and flows east of northeast, entering Furnas county at a point about six miles north of the Kansas boundary. This stream, however, as well as a number of the other larger ones of the county, has a number of small streams tributary to it, that are of no importance except to furnish stock water.
The valley of the Republican River itself is broad, level and fertile. The other larger streams--Red Willow, Driftwood and Beaver Creeks--have quite broad and level valleys. Of the smaller streams, the valleys are narrow, and have but a small extent of bottom land. From the bottoms to the uplands, going back from any of the streams. the surface of the land varies from gentle slopes to high and steep bluffs. The divides between the streams consist of high and rolling prairie.
The best farming lands are along the Beaver , Driftwood and Red Willow Creeks, though the greater portion of the county has a soil and surface of land suitable to crop-raising. But a small portion of the land of the county is too rough for cultivation.
All parts of the county are adapted to stock-raising, and the steep and broken bluff lands along the larger streams are particlarly suited to this purpose.
The bottom lands are covered with a rich growth of grass, and in some places it grows to a great height. the uplands and divides are covered principally with a rich and heavy growth of buffalo grass, though this, with the advance in the improvement of the country, is fast giving way to a blue stem variety.
There is but little timber in the county, and this only skirting the streams. Along the Republican is but a slight growth of trees. Along the banks of the Red Willow is the best timber in the county, and in some places it is quite heavy. The Driftwood and the Beaver have considerable timber along their banks, and there is a slight growth of trees along all the streams of the county.